Zeus Technologies Blog

Welcome to the Zeus Technologies blog! Here you will find articles on cybersecurity, technology, and more.

August 28, 2024

Thunderbolt 0x01

What’s the Thunderbolt? Welcome! This is the first edition of our new cybersecurity newsletter, the Thunderbolt. Each month we will bring you the latest cybersecurity news, along with practical tips to help safeguard your business. ...

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June 8, 2023

Cybersecurity Risks for Small Businesses

Could it happen to you? According to Forbes Magazine, 57% of small business owners believe they will not be the target of a cyberattack. This statistic starkly contrasts the reality, as reported by Verizon in 2019, that small businesses accounted for 43% of all breaches. ...

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February 28, 2023

Working with the ESP32

Introduction In this update we will go over the basics of setting up a development environment to work with the ESP32. The documentation on the Espressif website is pretty good, so this will be just a short overview and if any issues arise as you’re following these instructions just defer to their info. ...

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